The Gwen Frostic Art & Nature in Michigan exhibit was a collaborative effort between the Spring 2023 Women in Art History class, students in the DSGN 320 class, and the Ferris State University Fine Arts Gallery.
This exhibit displayed many of Frostic's fine and functional pieces showcasing various stages of growth in nature and animals in Michigan. This show celebrated her life, symbolizing the growth and change she underwent during her pioneering work within the larger history of women artists.
Establishing the Brand

During our initial stage of logo development, we wanted to use aspects from Frostic such as her signature or pieces from her art but we ran into issues of not getting rights from the owners of the Gwen Frostic Print Shop.

From our challenges, we chose to use photography in the visual system. Using apple blossoms and Michigan lilies blooming to represent Frostic's growth as an artist and businesswoman. The color palette was inspired by the off-white paper she used and the orange from the Michigan Lilie, which she illustrated for many of her prints.

Biography Didactics

To begin the exhibit I created the three-pannel biography didactic. This informed attendees about Frostic's impact on the art and business worlds. Blooming apple blossoms (Michigan's state flower) were chosen to represent the impact she had on Michigan.
Quote & Informational Didactics

Small quote and informational didactics were created to help break the work shown in the exhibit into different sections as well as display quotes from her books relating to the sections.
Collection Acknowledgment Cards

Since this exhibit was only possible through people in the community it was important to credit the people who loaned their work to the exhibit.
Frostic found inspiration in the nature around her, so for our takeaways everyone got a small card to grow their own inspirational garden of Michigan wildflower seeds.

Photos From the Opening Ceremony

Photos taken by Dylan Bowden